Saturday, 3 April 2010

Sorting Office Plan

The 'plan' jpeg is the layout of processes as mentioned earlier using the website as a repository and sorting office. This then leads to the various potential outputs, milestones.

At the top of 'plan' I've used 'outward' and 'inward' this is/was the rough sorting into mail that would go onto lorries and go far afield (outward) and items for the 'walks' i.e. local would be 'inward'. Seems a nice way to separate the two sections but keep them in our depot. By the way is the site a Sorting Office or a Delivery Office?

Postal rounds are/were apparently referred to as 'walks'.

The document below is an attempt to rationalise themes so far and find some key ones to help identify our etiquettes. Please add further subjects. Going with matters postal I wonder if: Address - refers to matters of place; Sender - people; Item - machines and objects; etc. Any thoughts? I definitely agree that our sorting office should contain all manner of things and if at the end of the day it isn't used we just bag it up and pile it outside the shed (obviously others can have a quick rummage first).

One thing that has been nagging at me. Why on earth did the US army choose this site as their main postal centre? And the British army seemed to follow (how long was this for?).

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